10 Questions with Sami Merdinian

  1. Where did you grow up? In Cordoba, Argentina

  2. What made you realize that music was your path? When I heard the sound of the violin for the first time as a 4 year old kid, I immediately fell in love. After that instance, one thing led to another one and the next one so I look back at that moment as “the” moment. 

  3. How would you describe the music that you perform with Sybarite5? It’s eclectic, exciting, relevant, purposeful, unique. 

  4. Who are your biggest musical influences? Heifetz, Oistrach, the Tango masters and some Armenian folk artists. Also the music of Queen and some Argentinian Rock. 

  5. What makes your work with Sybarite5 unique? We create an environment in which the musicians and the audience become one, and that experience/feeling is quite rewarding and unique for everyone involved in the process. 

  6. Has there been one particular moment in your musical career, (or with Sybarite5) that you're most proud of? Playing at a Children’s hospital’s  oncology wing in Argentina, a 3 year old patient had been immobilized for over 2 months, and the moment I started playing, she started moving her fingers, then her hand. The parents were in disbelief and we all started crying. It felt like a miracle! Moments like this prove the incredible power music has to heal, to bring hope, happiness, understanding and love to people of all ages and backgrounds. 

  7. What made you want to play with this group 10 years ago when there was little to no repertoire? ( A little birdie told us that you have a suitcase of music from Komitas and Piazzolla that you brought to the group… did that have anything to do with it?) I saw an opportunity and a potential to have a career in chamber music, where I would be an active participant of the creative process and would allow me to perform the music that speaks to my heart and to my roots, while exploring new genres and sounds. 

  8. Is there anything you haven’t done with Sybarite5 that you want to do? I love sports so a dream would be to perform at the opening/closing ceremony of a Soccer World Cup or the Olympics. 

  9. What is your favorite thing about your new album Live From New York It’s Sybarite5? / Do you have a favorite track or moment on the new album. It’s the first album in which we include collaborations with other artists. Ehsan and Shane are a big inspiration and to perform/ record with them was fantastic. The fact that the recording took place during live shows at the cell, a place that saw and nurtured our growth from early stages of our career as an ensemble, make this album extra special.

  10. What’s the next thing for you? That’s a big question, all I can say is that I look forward to putting my art and creative mind at the service of continuing the path of innovation, pushing boundaries, making music relevant for everyone, embarking on musical adventures that have no precedent, keeping a humble, fresh and curious approach.