Jobina Tinnemans

Jobina Tinnemans - portrait 3 - Matt Peberdy - bw.jpg

After moving to an isolated peninsula in Wales in 2007, Tinnemans became overwhelmed by the beauty of natural soundscapes, and soon, electronic sounds made way for the rustling of leaves, wildlife calls, and other outdoor sounds. Featuring natural sounds in her work became the impetus for a movement into the virtual world. She writes, "The beauty of a natural soundscape is that it is so alive, trying to capture that energy is the biggest challenge."

Tinnemans' field instruments are programmed in such a way that they function like natural sounds, they are not a statis 'phrase' or 'tape loop.' "The tree will keep rustling, the same yet always slightly different. The blackbird will keep singing, or not, as they do. The wind will keep its mercurial texture," she writes.